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Baby S's newborn and sibling photoshoot - Oxfordshire newborn photographer

I was lucky enough to photograph these gorgeous siblings just before Christmas and oh boy did they melt my heart. Here is a selection from Baby S' newborn session featuring his big sister.

baby and sibling photoshoot Bicester, Oxfordshire

Baby S's newborn session started with some sibling portraits with his adorable sister Freya, who has the most amazing hair I have ever seen in a child, and a sparkling personality that brightens up the room. Working with toddlers and young children can always be a little bit of a gamble as they have so many other much more interesting things going on on their agenda than posing for a photograph, especially in cases when the dreaded sibling jealousy kicks in, but miss Freya was an absolute dream to work with.

newborn photography Bicester

Including older siblings in newborn session

I know these photos of the siblings together are extremely important for the parents. In each session which involves siblings, I start by establishing a relationship with the siblings, chatting to them about their favourite toys and encouraging them to take active part in the session, including selecting a few accessories which are used in the session for their new sibling, allows the child to feel more comfortable with a stranger waving a camera in their face.

With siblings it is important to work quickly. Especially very young siblings get bored easily and so I always ensure to start the session with sibling portraits, capturing the sibling portraits before the older kids lose interest.

Little Freya was amazing and helped me select wraps for her little brother, and she was so very gentle with her brand new baby brother. We chatted about her favourite Peppa Pig. Freya was absolutely smitten with her little brother and did great for their sibling portraits, being so gentle and involved in the session from the get go. Here is a little selection from Baby S' newborn photography session.

newborn photoshoot with sibling Bicester, Oxfordshire

baby photography Bicester
"Because I have a big sister I always have a friend"
sibling newborn photoshoot Oxfordshire

newborn photography Bicester, Oxfordshire

Oxfordshire newborn photographer, Bicester newborn photography, Thame newborn photography, Banbury baby photographer, Family photography, Oxfordshire newborn photographer, Oxfordshire mobile newborn and family photography, Sibling photoshoot Bicester, Sibling photoshoot Oxfordshire

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